Welcome to our website

Welcome to Hill and Hollow Master Gardener’s website! We are a group of avid gardeners who were doing green things before going green was hot, in and cool. We are gardeners from Missouri’s McDonald and Newton Counties who work on several projects each season, and among those projects are educational outreaches to help others learn and become inspired with one of the most natural things one can do—garden!

If you are interested in becoming a Master Gardener or finding out more about the program, contact one of the local University Extension Offices or any of our Hill and Hollow officers.  Grab some gloves or a hoe and come join us!

Hill and Hollow Master Gardeners meet the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM (except for January because we are engrossed in seed catalogs!)

Oh, spring came to my garden
And caught it unaware
Wearing just a few old leaves
And a dejected air.

But when spring left my garden,
Its work so deftly done,
Many, many Daffodils
Were dancing in the sun
-Velma D. BATES.