2014-05-06 Minutes

05/30/2014 15:58


May 6, 2014

Meeting called to order at 6:30PM, Newton County Extension Center  with 26 members present.

The Secretary’s Report was approved with a motion by Sue Ludiker, second by Anne Corkle, and vote.

The Treasurer’s Report with an ending balance of $3551.58, was approved with a motion by Lee House, second by Sue Ludiker, and vote.

Old Business – There was much discussion about preparation for the plant sale, including plant drop off the day before, arrival times that morning, boxes, tables, etc..  President Karen Scott went over the check list and sign-up list for the upcoming event.

New Business-  (1)New committee project at Newton County Courthouse.  Linda Simmons reported on the need for MG’s to help 4-H kids plant everything.  (2) President Karen Scott passed around a sign-up sheet for anyone desiring or requiring new MG name badges. (3) President Karen Scott passed out printed copies of the proposed new sign for the new Extension Office, and discussed the cost of the sign.  A motion was made by John Wrigley to spend the $1,000.00 needed for the MG portion of the sign.  John’s motion was seconded by Bev Caywood. The motion passed unanimously.   Someone stated that  $125,000 is needed to satisfy the building mortgage amount.

Committee Updates -  (1) Golden Living Nursing Home: Jutta placed tomato plants.  (2)Pineville Green will have a planting day on Thursday, May 8. (3)Fish Hatchery Committee Chair Mike Snow inquired about how to water the plants over there.

Announcements – (1)President Karen Scott recognized those who helped with the National Fish Hatchery’s Open House event.   (2) It was proposed that the next meeting be substituted with a guided tour of Crystal Bridges Museum’s landscape, with a cost of $10 per person and a need for at least 20 participants.  A motion was made by Lee House that Karen exchange emails with the membership to determine the commitment to attend. The motion received a second from Linda Simmons and carried by vote.

At 7:29 John Wrigley made a motion to adjourn.  The motion received a second from Ron Hoyez, and was carried by unanimous vote.