
07/01/2014 17:03


June 3, 2014

Meeting called to order at 6:30PM, Newton County Extension Center  with 24 members present.

The Secretary’s Report was approved with a motion by Jackie Hoyez, second by Bev  Caywood, and vote.

The Treasurer’s Report  was approved with a motion by Bev Caywood, second by Anne Corkle, and vote.

Old Business –  Fantastic positive discussion regarding a review of the Plant Sale. Discussion involved what sold first, what is needed for next year, kudos to all involved, and a record breaking sale.

New Business-  (1) Jutta McCormick made a motion to donate $2,000.00 to the new Extension building. Beverly Gibson seconded the motion and it carried by vote.  (2) The Annual Ice Cream Social will be held at the Barbara and Mike Snow’s house, 720 E. McKinney St., Neosho, Tuesday , July 1, in place of the regular meeting. Musical entertainment will be provided by Mike’s blues ensemble, “Scale House”.  (3) Bev Caywood will present the Leaf Casting event in place of the person who had to cancel.  (4) Ron Hoyez suggests replacing “Knock Out” roses at G.W. Carver monument.  Jutta McCormick made the motion, Jackie Hoyez seconds it, all were in favor.

Committee Updates -  (1)Jutta McCormick took care of the Nursing Home, Ball Park, and Fair Sign.  (2)Mike Snow reports the East planter at the Fish Hatchery was planted with left overs from Plant Sale. (3) Linda Simmons reports Butterfly Garden at Morse Park is having trouble with muskrats.  (4) McDonald County Court House roses need fertilizer: Jutta McCormick.  (5)Mary Ellen Mitchell announces a work day at Pineville Green.

Announcements – (1) Newton County Fair will be July 9-12   (2) John Hobbs gave a brief and positive update regarding the Refugee Gardens at Noel, and also complimented the Hill and Hollow MG’s for the way their collective body of knowledge in the plant science area compares to other less informed clubs around the state!  “Hoo-Rah!”    (3) Mike Snow announced the selection of club member Carol Mailes as one of Neosho R-5 School District’s Teachers Of The Year.

At 7:47 Sherry McBride made a motion to adjourn.  The motion received a second from Anne Corkle, and was carried by unanimous vote.