2015-12 Minutes

12/09/2015 16:50

Minutes of Master Gardener meeting on Dec. 1, 2015


CALL TO ORDER:  President Mike Snow called the meeting to order at at 6:30 PM.  This was our Holiday Dinner, so we then ate and enjoyed each other's company. 


SECRETARY’S REPORT:  Nov. minutes were made available to members via e-mail. Motion was made to approve by Jackie Hoyez, seconded by Jutta McCormick, and the motion was approved unanimously. 


TREASURERS REPORT: Beth Persons reported there were no expenses this month so our beginning and ending balance was $3028.81.   However, she did receive expense receipt for the cost of things for the Holiday dinner, so she wrote a check at the meeting for $63.76 which leave us now with a total of $2,965.05.  Motion was made to approve by Beverly Caywood, seconded by Barbara Snow, and was passed unanimously.



-  Jane Williams thanked those who came and helped her some annual maintenance on her yard. 



-  Mike Snow announced that Sue Ludiker helped orgainize the Faithful Friends landscaping of their new quarters.  Anita Stout also was thanked for her donation of ferns.

-  John Hobbs introduced the new graduates of this Fall's core class.  They were Ron and Linda Howerton, Angie Gadient, Brenda McNelly, Eden Stewart, Linda Mullin, and Anita Stout.  John also thanks all for the work and help in activities that is needed to keep our group going.

-  The MO state Master Gardener's Conference in two years will be held in Joplin, and we will be working with the Jasper County MGs to be sure this event is successful.

-  The demonstration garden is about to become a reality, but we will need help to keep it going.  All are encouraged to get involved.  Ron Hoyez reported that the first raised bed will be a rose garden in the SE corner close to the building.  His goal is to have it in by the Plant Sale.  He will e-mail all committee members for a Jan. meeting to ge the layout plans done by March so he can present it to the Extension Council.

-  The plant sale was such a success that we can be proud of since people come from miles to get plants from us.

-  Emeritus program will not be happening this year, but will be next year.

-  John reminded everyone to get their volunteer hours submitted whether you submit them on-line (https://www.visitmo.com/the-history-museum-on-the-square.aspx) or turn in a hard copy to John.

-  Reminder that there will be lots of educational workshops coming up in the Spring:  Fruit Tree, tomato grafting, and Ron's rose demonstration.

-  We need to revive the MG web site or newsletter for some way to relay information to others about our club. 

-  Next year's ice cream social next June will be at Shelly Langland's home so we can see her garden and yard.

-  It was also noted tat Ron Hoyez, John Hobbs, and Jutta McCormick are to audit treasurer's accounts.

-  Mike Snow said it was a FUN year and he thanked Bill Andrews for cooking the turkey for the dinner.

-  John Rigley announced the new officers for next year:

    Gordon Spencer will be President

    Jutta McCormick will be Vice President

    Beth Parsons will remain as Treasurer

    Anita Stout will be Secretary


-  Gordon Spencer announced he knows a man who he knows who can do a workshop on Walnut Tree grafting.  He expects it to be in either Feb. or Mar. and will let us know by e-mail.


A motion to adjourn was made by Ron Hoyez, seconded by Joe McClamore, and it was carried by unanimous vote.  Our next Meeting is will not be until Feb. since we don't have meetings in January.    

Submitted by:  Lora Burch