2011-03 Meeting Minutes

03/03/2011 05:45

March 1, 2010

Our meeting was held at 6:30 pm at the Extension Center. The meeting was called to order at
6:30 pm by President Linda Arment. There were 25 members and 17 guests present.

2010 ROOKIE OF THE YEAR: The award recipient is Jutta McCormick from McDonald
County. Thanks for your service in 2010! You can read her bio on the website.

SPEAKER: Steve Ortain from the Extension Office updated our Club on the stormwater
drainage system proposed for Smith Hall on the Crowder College campus. He shared a
Powerpoint presentation explaining his vision for this practical use of run-off rainwater. He also
showed several short videos describing the basic process. Although he has secured the funding
and drafted a basic outline, he is asking Master Gardeners to design the planting phase and
provide the labor necessary to complete the project. Preliminary work is scheduled to begin on
March 21. John Hobbs will provide further details at a later date.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Minutes from February’s meeting were made available to members
via the website. Beth Persons also summarized the minutes for members. A motion was M/S/C
to accept the minutes.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The bank balance as of February 28, 2011 is $2940.28.


The 2011 Master Gardener core class is in progress! It began on February 24 at the Newton
County Extension office with 24 students. They joined our meeting tonight briefly to meet the
Club. Welcome to Master Gardeners!

PLANT SALE (May 7): Karen Love is unable to organize this year’s sale. Bill Andrews has
agreed to chair the committee and has offered to host the sale at his store, WXY Sporting Goods.
A motion was M/S/C to accept his offer. Rhonda Marion will be assisting him with publicity.
Good discussion followed concerning plant selection, pricing, and items to sell. If you have
any supplies such as pots, soil, or trays to donate, please bring them in April. You can also
drop off supplies at his store at 1104 W. Harmony during business hours. This is our biggest
fundraiser and it takes everyone to make it a success. And…we will miss Karen’s great skills
and THANKS for all you’ve done, Karen.


On March 12 at 10:00 there will be a three workshops: Waking Up Roses by Rosarian Ron
Hoyez, vegetable gardening basics by Jerry Christian, and fruit tree pruning by John Hobbs.
Need more information? Follow the events tab on the website to Rose Clinic Program, check out
the February edition of Thumbs Up!, or contact John at the Extension Office.

Country Garden Depot in Anderson has requested help in sponsoring a children’s program at the
center for a few hours a week. If you would have any interest in volunteering, contact Donna

Hobbs at 845-6656 for more information.


Linda Anderson recommended a seed catalog from the Baker Heirloom Seed Company in
Mansfield as a source for dozens of varieties of heirloom seeds. She shared a recent catalog
with members and encouraged them to order. If you would like to know more, follow the link in
Garden Links on the website.

Ron Hoyez reported that the SW Regional Director for the Extension Service, Rick Mammons,
passed away recently.

The Hoyez’ highly recommended a magazine, “Missouri Gardener”, published by State-by-State
Gardening. Information is relevant to our area and it’s an easy read. Six issues for only $18.
Want to know more? Check out their website. or call them at 1-888-265-3600.

SOIL TESTING: The Extension Council wants to remind you that they still offer a soil sample
service that analyzes your soil in detail and gives recommendations for optimal production for
only $13. For specific collection directions, contact either Extension Office or bring your sample
by either Office during business hours.

MEMBER LIST: The Office has updated our member list and it’s now available. Get your copy
at the next meeting or request via e-mail at gardnerka@missouri.edu

NEXT MONTH: Jeff Cantrell, MDC Educational Consultant, will present a Grow Native!
program in April. You don’t want to miss his presentation. He is a wealth of knowledge!

A motion was M/S/C to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 pm.

Submitted by:
Beth Persons
Beth Persons, Secretary