2014-02-11 Minutes

02/24/2014 16:44


Meeting called to order:                       By President Karen Scott @ 6:30pm

Number of members present:           29 members and one guest

Distinguished guests/ events:            Jeremy Elliot-Engle, County Program Director gave a program of what “Extension” is, who our representatives are, and the many services and educational opportunities that are available through the Extension Office.

Secretary’s Report:                                 Minutes from Dec. meeting read. A motion was seconded and carried to accept the minutes as read.

Treasurer’s Report:                                 The bank balance as of Feb 11, 2014, was $3,705.22 excluding any outstanding receipts.  A motion was M/S/C, to accept the Treasurer’s Report.

Old Business:                                             The concept of “Floating Officers” was discussed.  A motion to keep the officer selection process “as is” was M/S/C.  Another motion to place this topic on the agenda for next month’s meeting was M/S/C/

New Business:                                          1. The Rookie of the Year Award was given to Roger Hall.

2. The Rose Clinic date was set for, March 29, at 10:00AM.

3. The plant sale date was set for May 3, and Jeremy Elliot-Engle suggested we have the plant sale at the new Extension Office building, if that building purchase goes through.

4. A motion was M/S/C to add the Emeritus Member description to our club’s by laws.

5. A need was voiced for volunteers to man the booth at the annual Business and Industry Review, March 14, and 15.

6.  John Hobbs pointed out the need for helping the immigrant community in the Noel, MO area, create raised bed gardens.  A motion was M/S/C  to donate $90 for John to purchase compost for the cause.

Committee Updates:                                     Three new committees were identified: Newtonia Battlefield, Pineville Library, and Membership. Committee sign up sheets were passed around and placed in the back of the room for volunteers to add their names to.


Extension Council Update:                           The question arose as to whether or not our club should apply for our own 501-C3 status.  A motion was M/S/C that we should abstain from specific 501-C3 status because we already fall under the umbrella of MOMGMA’s  501-C3 “like” status.

Announcements:                                             The dates were announced for:  Master Gardener Board meeting – March 7,   Spring Gardening  Workshop - March 8, and State Master Gardener Meeting in St. Louis – Sep 12-14

Next Meeting:                                                  March 3, 2014, at Newton County Extension Office.

Adjourn:                                                              Motion M/S/C to adjourn meeting, 8:30PM