2014-04-01 Minutes

05/05/2014 14:38



APRIL 1, 2014


Meeting called to order at 6:30PM, Newton County Extension Center with 29 members present.

Linda Simmons presented a Vermiculture lesson .

The Secretary’s Report was approved with a motion, second, and vote.

The Treasurer’s Report was approved with a motion, second, and vote.  The account is now at Great Southern Bank, who recently purchased Boulevard Bank where our account was held

Old Business – The date of the annual plant sale was changed to May 10, and the location was moved to the new Extension Office building by motion, second, and vote.  A sign-up sheet was passed around the room for volunteers to help with the plant sale.

The membership committee reported 148 members with 68 active. Other statistics included: 6 requesting inactive status, 5 moved away, 4 deceased, and 6 no response.

Extension Council Update -  The new A.C.C.I. building  transaction is set to close on May 5, 2014.

Announcements -  John Hobbs still has a few shirts for sale.  John asked everyone to get on Face Book and vote, (up to 10 times per day), for our Extension Office to win a $25,000 grant from State Farm Insurance.   … A round of applause was given to thank Ron and Jackie Hoyez for the “Waking Up Roses” presentation. Sixteen MG’s and a few guests attended.  Ron will be presenting again at 10:00am, April 12, Steiner’s Nursery, Springfield.  ………… Neosho National Fish Hatchery Open House will be April 13.  ……….President Karen asked everyone who has not already done so, to fill out an evaluation form for the March 4 presentation on Integrated Pest Management.

Next meeting will be May 6, 2014, and will be the last meeting at our facility on the Crowder Campus.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:16pm by motion, second, and vote.