2015-09 Minutes

09/03/2015 09:38

Minutes of Master Gardener meeting on Sept. 1, 2015


Meeting was called to order by President Mike Snow at 7:22 PM during our annual Bar--B-Q meeting.  There were 34 members and 9 guests in attendance.


SECRETARY’S REPORT:  August minutes were made available to members via e-mail. Motion was made to approve by Jackie Hoyez, Jutta McCormick seconded, and the motion was approved unanimously. 


TREASURERS REPORT: Beth Persons reported the beginning Balance was $3846.15 with $35 expense to pay for McDonald County Fair and another $155 for the McDonald County Extension.  The ending balance as of Sept. 1st, 2015 is $3656.15.   Motion was made to approve by Lee House, seconded by Lora Burch and was passed unanimously.



Extended discussion on the survey of the land for the Newton County Extension Center. Previous owner says there are red T-posts marking the corners.  There was also talk of an old well that is believed to have had TCE in it in the past.  It was suggested we look into using this for plants rather than pay for city water since this water may be usable for plants.  Verna has the legal description so Mike will get a copy of this from her and check this all out so we can get this finalized.  It was stated that we want to be sure all is legal before we set up planting beds. 



-  Lee House and Beth Persons both reported they've attended the Neosho Farmer's Market in the lot across from the Neosho Library.  It was very nice and "homey" with a wide variety of goods.  The Market is open on Sat. from 9 - 12 p.m.

-  Jutta will send a sympathy card to Beverly Caywood for the sudden loose of her daughter.

-  There was an introduction of our newest members, Julie and David, from Miami.  It was also announced that Verna will also graduate with this same class on Sept. 10th.  Justin Cauble and Vickie were also introduced as guests of Mike Snow.  Justin and Mike will perform for us after the meeting.  Warren Langland, who had offered grace before we ate, was also noted as a guest.

-  Jo asked that better directions be sent out in the future when asking for MG's help to individual residences.

-  Ron Hoyez announced there will be a class on Sept. 19th at 10 a.m. on Putting Roses to Bed in the Springfield area.  Call Ron for more information at  417-592-6187.

-  Anne Corkle thanked everyone who brought pots for her as she prepares for next May's Plant Sale.

-  Mike reported Sherry McBride had asked for volunteers for Prairie Days at George W. Carver on Sept. 12th.  She now has 6 volunteers but can still use more. 

-  Gordon expressed congratulations and thank you for the cooks of the bar-b-q.  All was delicious!


 Aotion to adjourn was made by Ron Hoyez, John Wrigley seconded, and it was carried by unanimous vote.  Our next Meeting is October 6th with Sherry McBride and Cathy Sheehy being signed up for refreshments.    For our November meeting, Jutta McCormack and Sandy Blakeley are signed up. 

Submitted by:  Lora Burch