Hill and Hollow Master Gardener's Association By-Laws

02/07/2011 14:29

Newton & McDonald County Master Gardener

Hill ‘n Hollow Club

Association By-Laws

Adopted on December 1, 2009

Article I. Objective

The purpose of this Association is to provide service to the community by promoting horticultural practices in accordance with policies set by the University of Missouri Extension (MU) and its Master Gardening Program and to foster communication, education, volunteerism, leadership development and fellowship among its members.

Article II. Membership

Section 1.  Any person who has completed the MU Master Gardener Program, or meets the MU Master Gardener Program criteria, or is a MU Master Gardener Intern is eligible for membership.  All members in good standing are eligible to vote and hold office.

Section 2. A member in good standing (Active member) is one who has completed the requirements as set forth in Section 3.

Section 3.  A member shall:

  • attend a minimum of three (3) Association meetings a year.
  • complete twenty (20) volunteer hours per year as set by MU after the completion of initial services requirements of thirty (30) hours per year for interns.assist with projects.

Section 4.  Inactive members may reactivate their membership at any time upon completion of the following:

  • attend a minimum of three (3) Association meetings a year.
  • complete twenty (20) volunteers hours per year as set by MU after
  • the completion of initial service requirements of thirty (30) hours per year for interns assist with projects.

Article III. Officers

Section 1.  The Officers of the Association shall include, but are not limited to the following:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

Section 2.  The length of term for the Officers of the Association shall be:

  • President shall serve for one year
  • Vice President shall serve for one year. 
  • Secretary shall serve for one year.
  • Treasurer shall serve for one year.

Section 3.  The Officers of the Association shall be able to repeat themselves by re-elections of the membership.

Section 4.  In the event an officer or chairperson cannot complete their term, a replacement will be appointed by the Executive Committee.

Article IV. Duties of Officers

Section 1.  The President shall preside at all general meetings of the Association and shall appoint all supporting Chairpersons.

Section 2.  The Vice President shall serve as Parliamentarian and shall preside in the absence of the President.  The Vice President shall also serve as Publicity Chairperson and will be responsible for submitting articles concerning activities to area newspapers, placing ads and making fliers for special events, etc.

Section 3.  The Secretary shall record and maintain all the minutes of the Association meetings; maintain a copy of committee minutes; and attend to other correspondence as necessary.       

Section 4. The Treasurer shall be in charge of all funds of the Association and shall receive all money due the Association.  The Treasurer shall also make an annual report.  Accounting duties may be delegated to the Newton/McDonald County Extension Office.

Article V. Elections

Section 1.  Elections shall be held annually at the December meeting.  Members present will constitute a quorum for an election.

Section 2.  Nominations may be made by the Nomination Committee or by any member in good standing.

Section 3.  The officers shall serve until their successors are installed.

Section 4.  Installation of new Officers will take place during the December meeting.

Section 5.  Nominated Officers must receive a simple majority of the votes cast to be elected.

Article VI. Executive Committee

Section 1. The Executive Committee will consist of the following members:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

Section 2.  The Executive Committee may authorize the commitment of the Association funds for business calls, stationary, postage and any expenditure necessary to carry on the Association’s objectives.

Section 3.  Documentation must accompany any request for funds, noting date, amount, event involved, and be submitted to Treasurer.

Article VII. Meetings

Section 1.  Regular meetings will be held each month, except January, at 6:30 pm on the first Tuesday of the month at Smith Hall, Crowder College, unless otherwise announced.

Section 2.  A quorum shall consist of the members present for the purpose of carrying on business at Association meetings.

Article VIII. Parliamentary Authority

Section 1.  Roberts Rules of Order, current edition, will govern the Association in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are consistent with these By-Laws.

Article IX. Committees

Section 1.  Ad-hoc committees may be formed at the direction of the President or Executive Committee.

Article X. Amending the By-Laws

Section 1.  Any member in good standing may submit a proposed amendment to the By-Laws in writing to the Executive Committee.

Section 2.  The Executive Committee shall present the proposed amendment and its recommendation(s) to the general membership at a regularly scheduled Association meeting.

Section 3.  At the next regularly scheduled Association meeting a vote on the amendment to the By-Laws shall be held.  Amendments to the Association By-Laws will require: 

  • Two-thirds (2/3) of members present at the meeting.
  • The amendment must receive a simple majority of the voting members.